Essential oil of citrus fruit extractor ‘Pelatrice’ mod. DS80

Any repairing can be made locally, without moving the machine from its base.

SKU: DS80 Category:


This machine, the fruit of a very long experience and of continuing perfecting is the only one currently on the international market which allows an almost total extraction of essential oil from whole citrus fruits, in particular lemons, oranges, limes, bergamots, grapefruits and mandarin oranges. It‘s the ideal solution when it is necessary to extract a maximum of essential oil to be able to obtain juice, which is totally devoid of oil during the second extraction process, or when the highest possible production yield of essential oil is required. The machine is fully automatic, as it does not need any manual intervention whilst in operation. It can continue working whilst continually maintaining the best yield conditions. It is not necessary to pre-select or calibrate the fruit; as a result it is remarkably economical. In fact, this machine can process fruit of all shapes, sizes and degrees of ripeness and which have undergone a first washing. The machine comprises a set of abrasive rollers and a screw conveyor, which is also abrasive.

The fruit, via a drawer positioned at the base of the hopper is automatically fed into the processing parts made up of rotating rollers and screw conveyors. They are subjected to a fine rain-like, enclosed sprinkling from jets which come out from the machine’s axle. A special device activated by an external crank guarantees a constant cleaning of the water outlets. The machine has 3 different motors, one for rollers, which is regulated according to the hardness of the fruit, one for the screw conveyor to regulate the fruit grating time and a third one to adjust the feeding drawer at the base, which can vary the number of fruit entering inside.

All parts, which are in contact with the water-essential oil mix, are made out of stainless steel. The rollers’ abrasive surface and the screw conveyor are coated with a perforated steel sheet, which has long-lasting abrasive points. The machine is usually supplied together with a FS80 filter-press, which filters and treats the solid detritus produced during the abrasion of the fruit skins. A «water re-circulation pump» is also supplied.

The end of day washing is operated automatically while the machine is still on, discharging the « recirculation » water and introducing clean water.

Essential oil of citrus fruit extractor ‘Pelatrice’ mod. DS80